December 07, 2008

New Blog for Family News:

Despite its more diverse start, there's no question has more than done its fair share of tilting toward tech - so much so that it practically seems out of place to keep you updated here on all our family news, including baby pictures, baby videos, trip updates, and the like. Meanwhile, at the same time, my poor wife has been itching to get a blog started so she can keep pace, not just with me, but all her lady friends who play the role of mommyblogger.

As a result, we've launched a new site for my wife, Kristine, at, to cover all her interests and whims. It will also be showing anything and everything we feel like when it comes to keeping you posted on Sarah and Matthew. While we both are authors there, I expect she will be doing the majority of the posting.

And, as usual, we will continue to keep tabs on the twins on our SmugMug account, on YouTube, and occasionally, via FriendFeed.

See Also: Two Thumbs Up: Louis Gray Effect on FriendFeed

(Image Borrowed from Two Thumbs Up)

The Gray Effect can be found at You can also subscribe by RSS here.
