December 25, 2008

The Christmas Story, As Told Through Twitter

    JosephOfGalilee: AFK for a bit w/@MaryofNazareth. Headed to Bethlehem. #caesartax

    JosephOfGalilee: @MaryofNazareth says no baby tonight. But can't be long now.

    MaryofNazareth: Off to Bethlehem! Hope we find a good inn. @JosephOfGalilee waited until last minute. #caesartax

    MaryofNazareth: Bethlehem is a zoo. @JosephOfGalilee says @InnKeeper1 claimed "no room". Uh-oh.

    JosephOfGalilee: No room at the inn. @InnKeeper1 and @InnKeeper2 both. Kill me now. @MaryofNazareth not looking happy.

    MaryofNazareth: RT: @JosephOfGalilee No room at the inn. @InnKeeper1 and @InnKeeper2 both. Kill me now. **Anyone???** #caesartax

    JosephOfGalilee: @InnKeeper3 says 'no room', but to go to a stable. Like animals. @MaryofNazareth beside herself.

    MaryofNazareth: Now at a stable. Surrounded by animals. Baby is coming. If not for baby, I wouldn't even talk to @JosephOfGalilee right now.

    JosephOfGalilee: Baby on its way!

    JosephOfGalilee: Baby has arrived! @MaryofNazareth says its name is Jesus!

    JosephOfGalilee: Jesus now wrapped in cloth, placed in manger. @MaryofNazareth very tired.

    Sheepmaster: WHOA. Just got visit by an angel. Said baby was born in Bethlehem. Going to check this out with @ShepherdDude and @Flockof240.

    Flockof240: RT: @Sheepmaster: WHOA. Just got visit by an angel. Said baby was born in Bethlehem. Going to check this out.

    ShepherdDude: @Sheepmaster @Flock240 that was wild. And sheep slept right through it!!! LOL

    WiseOne: Big star looks to have arrived. @WiseTwo and @WiseThree, the night we were waiting for is here! A new king! #bigstar

    WiseThree: RT: @WiseOne: Big star looks to have arrived. The night we were waiting for! #bigstar

    WiseTwo: On my way to meet up with @WiseOne and @WiseThree. Bringing myrrh. #bigstar

    MaryofNazareth: Jesus has arrived! Tired.

    MaryofNazareth: Shepherds coming to the stable? What now? @JosephOfGalilee going to see.

    ShepherdDude: With @Flockof240 @Sheepmaster. On way to stable in Bethlehem after visit from an angel. Crazy!

    Sheepmaster: Stable is in sight. Nervous.

    JosephOfGalilee: Shepherds say they saw an angel and came to see baby Jesus. @Flockof240 seems nice.

    WiseThree: Looking to meet new king. First will see @KingHerod with @WiseTwo and @WiseOne to see if star prophecy was right. #bigstar

    WiseTwo: @WiseThree and @WiseOne are here. @WiseOne brought gold and @WiseThree has frankincense. Hope my myrrh is ok. #bigstar

    WiseOne: Meeting with @KingHerod went okay. Doesn't know of new king but asked us to report back. Back on the trail with @WiseTwo and @WiseThree. #bigstar

    WiseTwo: Star in the East is bigger than I have ever seen. @WiseOne @WiseThree #bigstar

    JosephOfGalilee: More visitors on their way. Three this time. @Flockof240 @ShepherdDude and @Sheepmaster with @MaryofNazareth and Jesus.

    JosephOfGalilee: This night is nuts. #caesartax

    WiseThree: Met @JosephOfGalilee and @MaryofNazareth. Gave gifts to the baby king at stable. Leaving now.

    Flockof240: Just saw three magi and the child who would be king. Long night. Headed back to pasture.

    JosephOfGalilee: The visitors said they were magi. Brought incredible gifts. @MaryofNazareth and I finally calling it a day. What a day.

    MaryofNazareth: @JosephOfGalilee says we have to go. Can't tell you more now. @FatherOfJoseph @MotherofMary