December 01, 2008

10 People to Follow On FriendFeed for the Month of December

By Mike Fruchter of (Twitter/FriendFeed)

It's that time again. The beginning of a new month, and also the time to highlight some unique, new and veteran members to follow on FriendFeed. In being true to one of my core values and practices of "promoting others more then I promote myself ", I like to give back any way possible, and I couldn't think of a more satisfying way of doing it. This time around, thanks to Louis Gray, who is one of FriendFeed's most influential evangelists, I have been given a bigger platform to shine the spotlight onto others.

Previous lists of top FriendFeeders to follow can be found for July, September and November.

1) Adam Singer

Short Bio: Adam is currently the Director of Digital Strategy for a PR company located in South Florida. Adam blogs about social media, web marketing and PR strategies. Adam is very active on Digg as well, and is always sharing unique and interesting content he finds and diggs.

What they find interesting: Micro-blogging, Social Media, Web Marketing, PR

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

2) Dan Morrill

Short Bio: Dan is currently the CS/IS Program Director at City University, located in Seattle. Dan is also a blogger who contributes to a few different blogs. He blogs about his passions for technology, social media, IT security and anything web 2.0 related. Dan shares and StumblesUpon great content too. I'm always finding something of interest on his feed.

What they find interesting: Security Engineering, Technology, Social Media, Web 2.0

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

3) Eric Berlin

Short Bio: Eric's background is in content editing and web production. He is also a blogger who passionately writes about a variety of social media and technology related topics. Eric was one of the first few people I started to follow when I joinedFriendFeed, and I'm glad I did.

What they find interesting: Micro-blogging, Social Media, Technology, Web 2.0

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

4) Laura Norvig

Short Bio: Laura is the Resource Center Coordinator at ETR Associates.
Her background is in Library Science. She is also a mom, and in her own words "a dabbler in social media and organizer of information." She is a great FriendFeeder with a good heart, and adds tremendous value to the FriendFeed community.

What they find interesting: Education, Information Architecture, Technology, Social Media

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

5) Leslie Poston

Short Bio: Leslie is Founder and President of Uptown Uncorked. Her company provides consulting and social media training for businesses looking to get involved in social media. Leslie is also a deeply involved and passionate blogger who writes on numerous sites including

What they find interesting: Social Media, Technology, Micro-blogging, Web 2.0

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

6) Lorraine Ball

Short Bio: Lorraine currently owns a small marketing firm based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Lorraine has over 25 years of experience in marketing under her belt. Her passion is helping small businesses, become big businesses. Trust me, even if you are not a small business owner, you could still learn quite a few things from her.

What they find interesting: Marketing PR, Branding, Social Media, Social Networking

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

7) Michael Fidler

Short Bio: Mike is a Digital Entertainment & New Media Analyst from Santa Monica, CA. Mike is one of the more highly active members. He shares an impressive and eclectic mixture of content. Mike has a good eye for all things visual, and shares some of the best imagery on FriendFeed.

What they find interesting: Technology, Computer Gaming, Photography, Social Media

FriendFeed: Subscribe

8) Mike Reynolds

Short Bio: Mike is currently a Strategic Planner at Walt Disney World, located in Orlando, FL. Mike is a very analytical thinker. Mike also develops safe search tools for kids and teens that are installed at hundreds of schools around the world.

What they find interesting: Computer Science, Web Development, Technology, Web 2.0

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

9) Morton Fox

Short Bio: Morton is currently a Senior Software Engineer at Syncsort Inc, located in New Jersey. Morton is currently the heavyweight "liker" on FriendFeed. He currently has an astonishing 24,355 likes on FriendFeed. Morton also contributes a lot of interesting content, and adds value to the conversations he participates in.

What they find interesting: Technology, Social Media, Applications, Web 2.0

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

10) Zee Kane

Short Bio: Zee is the Co-founder of a London based marketing agency. He also blogs about web 2.0 and social media on multiple blogs such as Read Write Web & The Next Web. Zee is a highly active member on FriendFeed. Zee loves anything social media and technology related, and his feed reflects that. He also creates and oversees some of the more popular tech rooms on FriendFeed.

What they find interesting: Technology, Social Media, Applications, Web 2.0

FriendFeed: Subscribe | Blog:

Later this month, stay tuned for the latest edition of five new and relatively obscure blogs to follow, from Louis.

Read more by Mike Fruchter at