December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Gray Family

Happy Holidays! Download the 2008 Letter in PDF

It has been an incredible 2008 to say the least for our family. It's clear the #1 event for us was the arrival of Matthew and Sarah on June 20th. We had finally told the world the twins were coming, back in February, once we thought it was 'safe'.

And to be honest, while we were so excited and wanted to tell the world about our twins last year at this time, we were being quiet on the matter. That's why there was absolutely no Christmas letter in 2007! How to feign ignorance? So, retroactively, our apologies.

On top of the twins' arrival, we did manage to have some fun this year. Clearly, the blog gained a bit of visibility in 2008, its third full year, and we enjoyed meeting some amazing people and entrepreneurs as a result. In March, we also attended Oakland A's spring training in Arizona, for our third consecutive year, and hope to keep the tradition up, with twins in tow, in 2009.

And as with prior years, many other items stayed the same. Same home, same cars, same job. Kristine took a year off from teaching, and may take another, if we're lucky. We want Matthew and Sarah to get as much mom time as possible.

So, without further ado, download our 2008 holiday letter in PDF here. Also available? Our 2006 and 2005 letters of Christmas past.

Happy Holidays!