December 03, 2008

Push Yourself to a Healthy Lifestyle With Web Communities, Tools

By Daniel J. Pritchett of Sharing at Work (Twitter/FriendFeed)

photo by nchenga
Has your career eased you into a sedentary lifestyle?  Are you keeping your mind sharp by tracking tech trends but losing your hold on physical fitness?  One of the big downfalls to wired life is the ease with which we can lose touch with our surroundings but the emergence of the social web is helping to change that.  Keep reading for some communities and tools that will help keep you informed and motivated in the never-ending journey to a healthy life.

Learn new exercises and proper form
Try YouTube and Wikipedia for demonstrations of proper formOne of my favorite virtual personal trainers is YouTube's Scooby1961.  Scooby is a very modest and endearing fellow.

Real-world personal trainer Ross Enamait has a site full of workout information and a vibrant personal fitness community on his forums.  Ross's stuff tends to be geared towards the "combat athlete", so if you're not into boxing et al you might not appreciate the tone of the forums as much as you will enjoy Ross himself.

Share motivation through social networks

Track your progress with gadgets and web tools

My daily walk plotted on GMap Pedometer
    Nutrition help
    You'll want to keep your diet on track, too.  Check up on the nutrition content of your favorite foods using any of a number of online resources like NutritionData.

    Your turn!
    What keeps you motivated?  What are your favorite online health resources?  I'm sure readers can chip in with your own personal fitness anecdotes, favorite health tips, and best-loved social networks for exercise help.  I'd say the one thing that really got me thinking about fitness in manageable terms was BripBlap's article titled 101 thoughts on losing 100 pounds.

    Read more by Daniel J. Pritchett at Sharing at Work.