After reading the article, I applied the one useful thing I learned from school: question everything. So instead of looking through the comments of that piece written by people I do not know, then double checking that consensus by Googling for even more sources and view points, I asked the question on the social networking sites, specifically FriendFeed, since it is the most intuitive and easiest place to hold discussions. (for me)
I was floored by the feedback. From the mountain of responses (thanks, everyone!) two I learned something new from:
"Three systems so far. all updated fine. I used the [huge] combo updater and did Repair Permissions before and after the install" - Glenn BatuyongRead the entire exchange here.
"I always recommend people use Apple's Combo Updates for Mac OS X upgrades. If you own a jailbroken or unlocked iPhone I would not recommend upgrading" - Vinko
The best thing about the responses is this: Feedback from real people I know. Because I interact with several or all of the people who left comments on a close to daily basis, we have a rapport; a level of trust, and confidence I do not have with sites and services found via Googling.
That OS X question is not an isolated case. My social networking peers have helped me out on numerous occasions. We've discussed:
- Etiquette (What is the cut off age where it is not atrocious bad manners to get baby sexes mixed up?)
- Software (Contemplating installing TweetDeck)
- Cooking (Chocolate Cake in Five Minutes and recommendations for organic peanut butter)
- Fun facts (How fast do you read?)
- Entertainment: (What movie makes you cry no matter how many times you watch them?)
- Economical issues: (Should Costco accept Food Stamps? and the financial crisis)
- Exterminating (Operation Get rid of ginormous spider)
- Love: (Cheating and more)
- ... and of course tech goodness.
I don't know about you, but signing up for and actively participating in social networks has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Where else can I learn this much and amicably discuss topics beneficial to real life situations?
Now if only I can figure out how to monetize my feed...
Read more by Mona Nomura at Pixel Bits