December 03, 2008

Amazon Wish Lists of the Geeks and Bloggers In Time for Holidays

A year ago tonight, I suggested you get in the Holiday spirit and buy your favorite bloggers a gift, by leveraging their public Amazon Wish Lists. With Amazon being available to practically anyone, and featuring just about every item imaginable, making a list for Santa is as easy as logging into your Web browser and clicking on a few items. Given this simplicity, most techies have set up Wish Lists, and if you are in a giving mood, you can make them very happy. After all, it's said the holiday season is about giving, less so than receiving, so you have plenty of opportunities, as in 2008, I've expanded the list dramatically, including not just household name bloggers, but the techies behind some of our favorite Web applications, and the other authors you've seen help expand the variety of posts on the site.

Even with the economy being the way it is, I'm sure you can surprise somebody out there with a little gift. Here are links to what some of the folks you bump into online are looking for this year... making your life even easier if they are on your Secret Santa list.

Extended Team

FriendFeeders Team

Bloggers and Techies

This list is by no means fully inclusive, so have some fun with it. Find names I missed and post them in the comments or send me a request if you think you should be included! Have a great holiday and go shop!