May 02, 2007

This Week's External Blogging Contributions

At times, I feel guilty that I simply don't have enough time to devote to additional blogging activities outside of For The Apple Blog, Athletics Nation and Sactown Royalty, I play a supoprting role on each - happy to help whenever possible, but without the full devotion the site owners need. Yet over the last few days, I've found some time to contribute.

At Sactown Royalty, the season's over, but the off-season, which could be just as busy, is just getting started. The Kings have fired their coach and the fans aren't happy with the players who are left. Yesterday I asked, if you could run the team for a day, who should stay and who should go? So far, after 42 comments, the consensus is that Kevin Martin is a must and some of the youngest players are probable. Everyone else can be kicked to the curb as far as the fans are concerned.

On Athletics Nation, baseballgirl called me up this evening and asked me to step in to run the recap. Of course, it would be my luck that the A's DH and big name free agent acquisition in the off-season, Mike Piazza, was injured, and looks to be out as much as 4-6 weeks. Ouch. Meanwhile, the team made three errors which gave the Red Sox the margin of victory. This is noted in the game summary: "DE-FENSE! (Clap! Clap!) DE-FEN... Uhoh"

Meanwhile, off of sports and back to tech, Apple's Steve Jobs looks like he's getting the hang of this blogging phenomenon. Following his "Thoughts on Music", which reset the labels' expectations on DRM, he posts a note on "A Greener Apple", stating Apple's efforts to promote a clean environment, including increased recycling and fewer chemicals. I wrapped his note up for The Apple Blog in "Apple Gets the Lead Out".