May 10, 2007

LinkedIn Continues to Improve

LinkedIn is listening. Today, the business networking site added a new feature that lets you see how many visitors you have had to your profile, and their titles, should they choose to reveal that data. (TechCrunch: See Who's Reading Your LinkedIn Profile)

While some don't see the immediate benefit to that feature, it falls directly in line with requests I made in February, (See: How to Make LinkedIn Even Better) where I said LinkedIn should act more like a social networking company, by listing:

1. How many times your personal profile has been visited
2. Who has recently visited your personal profile
3. Who has similar profiles to yours
4. Who has similar profiles to your connections

Consider numbers 1 and 2 checked off. Nice job, LinkedIn. The new service is considered to be in beta, so I'd expect they consider this under evaluation and may tweak it over time. Maybe requests 3 and 4 are coming...

Example: From My Front Page Tonight

Want to visit my LinkedIn profile? Visit my profile now.