March 01, 2007

Tidbits from the Link Blog: March 1, 2007

At what point does the information overload become too much, crossing the line from data to noise? Read/Write Web shows ever-growing millions of blogs indexed by Technorati, more stories per day from TechCrunch, a representative Web 2.0 blog, and Seth Godin says too many people are simply blogging about blogging, delivering noise over substance.

Meanwhile, in the real world, it looks like Apple is having significant traction, doubling computer sales in a year, and seeing iTunes grab more share from the competition. In fact, on the recent stock market weakness, I bought into AAPL in a big way, at $86.30 a share. It sounds expensive, but is at a discount from my last sale, and I was certainly in the green by end of day. Could be a longer-term buy and hold. On with the links...

Read/Write Web: The Attention Economy: An Overview
Seth Godin: The Disappointment of the Noisy People
TechCrunch: Digg Should Sue Wired

The Unofficial Apple Weblog: iTunes use increased in 2006
MacRumors: Analyst: Mac Sales Grew Over 100% In January

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