But I didn't anticipate what could be the biggest problem of them all. My TiVo. Today, TiVo helpfully sent an e-mail warning me that for three weeks, my TiVo will likely show the wrong time, and that manually recorded season passes will record the wrong shows for a while, unless I go in and make changes. This means that instead of recording ER every Thursday at 10, we might end up getting an episode of Scrubs instead. That'd be a calamity, of course. (More Details at TiVo.com)
Yet, TiVo doesn't seem all that concerned that there would be just as much drama away from the set as on the set. Couch potatoes everywhere apparently won't suffer too poorly. They promise that Season Pass programs and Wish Lists will continue without interruption, after all. But no patch is coming. We just have to wait this one out, and maybe by next year, they'll have something resembling a solution. Until then, we will be caressing our remotes, and patting our TiVo every morning in hopes they cooperate.