March 21, 2007

Expanding the Conversation, One Link at a Time

After about 14 months of consistent writing on this blog, with more than 700 posts on a variety of topics, often with a heavy technology slant, but plenty of sports, music, and media thrown in, we're only now getting some strong conversation here and through the blogosphere, as others are finding the content as a discussion starter.

Just today, I was pleased to see Bruce Stewart of the O'Reilly Network dive further into my comments around "The Neglected" iTunes playlist (mentioned below). The O'Reilly name carries significant tech gravitas for us geeks, and it was fun to be seen as a source that gave him ideas on how he could best address his own iTunes issues.

He wrote, "I’m going to go create a playlist of my own neglected tunes, which sounds like a much more effective way of getting to listen to all of the music I add to iTunes than my previous method."

Meanwhile, the recent hubbub over Twitter and its usefulness, or lack thereof, has driven some to my comments in January saying I'd sworn off Instant Messaging (IM) for good, and that Twitter only made the whole situation worse.

Eric Schwarz of SchwarzTech, in a piece called "The Uselessness of IM?" said my move ran contrary to his seeing that many corporations have adopted chat protocols for communication, but agreed that the whole medium could be a tad informal. Meanwhile, a "Lo-Fi Librarian" from the UK noted the post, counting me as one of the many who see Twitter as a huge time waster.

Given the entire discussion this week about whether us rank and file bloggers can break into the world of "The A-List" or not, it's good to see some traction. Blogging isn't about developing a pedestal for shouting or ego boasting, but instead for enabling transparency, communication and voice. If you're entertained or learn something in the meantime, that doesn't hurt.