June 12, 2009

Podcast: TheSocialGeeks: I Want the Post, Not the Pre

Thanks to bumps in my schedule, including work, and of course, the twins, combined with the complexities of trying to get seven people in three time zones to get synched up, it has been some time since we got to participate in TheSocialGeeks podcast, chaired by Chris Miller (otherwise known as IdoNotes).

But on Wednesday, we made it, and got the chance to record. In addition to Chris and me, were Sarah Perez and Wayne Sutton.

In the podcast, which I have made available for download below, we discuss:
  • Facebook's Vanity URL Rush
  • LiveFlows
  • Floxee
  • Monetization of Twitter Streams
  • Social Identity Management
  • The Palm Pre
  • SocialToo and other premium Twitter apps
You can read more about it in Chris' site, or Download the Recording Now. You can also: Subscribe in iTunes
