June 10, 2009

Floxee Offers Customizable Twitter Directory, Grouping, Statistics

As companies and organizations flock to Twitter, there has grown a need to display all the activity from these groups in a central location, rather than seeing each individual stream fed into the massive update waterfall that is Twitter at large. A new tool, available in private beta now, called Floxee, lets you display a select group of Twitter users and their updates alongside a live search stream on keywords you define.

The result is a tweet stream with your own corporate design, displaying just those updates from users you have hand selected alongside tweets from the community at large about you or your service.

The Main LouisGray.com Floxee Page

I gained access to the product, and have an early version of the site up, at http://louisgray.floxee.com/, populated by Twitter accounts from me, Jesse Stay, Mike Fruchter, Rob Diana, Ken Stewart and Phil Glockner, some of the other writers whose names you've seen here this year.

Floxee Watches Who Is Gaining Followers Quickly

Floxee watches each of these six accounts for updates, and even goes so far as to dive into TwitterCounter and provide statistics on our group, including statistics on who has the most followed accounts over the last 7 or 30 days, who is the most active, and guesses as to who is the most conversational or political.

Floxee Has My Twitter Details Down, Relative to the Group

Floxee also lets you dive down into each individual account. For example, you can see that Jesse averages more than 25 tweets a day, and has piled up more than 18,000 followers, ranking first among our small group, while in contrast, I post updates less than 8 times a day, and only reply to people with 7 percent of my updates.

Floxee Also Knows Who Replies and Who Blasts Links or Politics

For large multi-author blogs, Floxee can offer an interesting desination page to show what the team is thinking. For small or medium size businesses adopting Twitter, it could also be a good place to see the public updates from colleagues and watch the company's impact online.

You can get into the private beta by checking out floxee.com. Don't forget to check ours out at louisgray.floxee.com