June 17, 2009

BackType Takes On TweetBeep With BackTweets Alerts

Two of the most valuable tools I have been championing over the last several months are BackType and TweetBeep. The first searches through all comments around the Web for keywords you define, while the second watches Twitter search and delivers results to your e-mail. In tandem, the pair can essentially run on auto-pilot, giving you a real-time look into what the world is saying about you, your company, or your product.

Today, BackType extended its service to let you monitor Twitter, searching for links on Twitter that contain keywords you define. Like with its core service, and with TweetBeep, the new BackTweets Alerts system will pass on mentions from within Twitter to your e-mail, as quickly as you like, from immediate, to daily or once a week.

As I told John McCrea from Plaxo when I met him for Social Web TV last week, TweetBeep has made it so I don’t have to sit in TweetDeck all day and monitor keywords. Similarly, BackType doesn’t have me chasing through comments and reading every post, but I don’t miss much because I let these strong search tools do the work. (That's also a big part of why I said there is no information overload)

Will BackTweets Alerts be so good that I can do away with TweetBeep and turn to BackType for everything? I'm going to sign up and find out.