June 02, 2009

DandyID Provides a Path to Social Identity Management

By Ken Stewart of ChangeForge (Twitter/FriendFeed)

In January 2009, I stumbled across a wonderful little company with a big idea: Create one place to collect, control, discover, and analyze your social profiles – a LinkedIn of social media, if you will.

Where services such as Facebook, Twitter, and FriendFeed help you create or manage content, DandyID’s ultimate objective is not to be another repository for content, but an identity and brand management dashboard of your online profiles which comprise the you-component in social media.

Since January, Sara Czyzewicz, Arron Kallenberg, and the growing DandyID team continue to fine tune their engine and are announcing a few new services for their growing subscriber base. I had a chance to catch-up with Arron on the phone last week, and we spent a few hours discussing some of the exciting new offerings coming to DandyID:

Verification Services:

Think of verification as the VeriSign of social media. The new verification services will allow you, as a DandyID community member, to create an authentic, centralized hub displaying all of your various social profiles in a convenient and discoverable identity management offering.

A few of the first verification integrations are:

  1. Twitter
  2. Brightkite
  3. MySpace
  4. YouTube
  5. Flickr
  6. Facebook
Free and Pro Versions:

DandyID is launching a “Pro” version to complement their free offering. When asked about the difference, Arron succinctly offered this explanation:

The Free version is very rich, and intended to help you collect yourself, verify yourself, and proliferate yourself. The Pro version is intended to help you understand the impact of your identity and brand, ultimately bringing value to the identity.


As part of their new Pro version of DandyID, analytics are being introduced for those more interested in understanding the impact of their social identity, what services their community frequents, and where the ideal intersection of community and identity proliferation might exist

1. Personal Stats: Comprised of Service Stats, Site Stats and Users these services offer a handy toolset to dig in and understand how people are using your profiles to find you, a traffic breakdown of how people are using your services, and other DandyID users who have visited your identity.

2. Social Analytics: This tool allows you to visually see what percentage of your friends frequent various services such as FriendFeed, Twitter, or Facebook.. A great use for this might be to help you increase your interaction within a given service subset to maximize the time you pour into your social brand.

3. Contact Updates: Build an RSS feed to monitor identity updates by your communities.


In summary, the DandyID team continues to build out some interesting offerings in pursuit of the perfect web. However, I think I am most enamored with the thought of what this young service can offer to us to this fractured social web in which we all live in today.

Does this create a hub from which the spokes of our brand can turn?

Only time will tell, but at the intersection of our exponentially increasing activity and the evolution from search to discovery lies the need to proliferate your online identity in a meaningful and manageable way.

What path do you intend to take?

Update: Allen Stern posted some really great information here, and a SXSW video interview.

Ken Stewart’s website, ChangeForge, focuses on the collision between the constantly changing worlds of business and technology in an information-centric world. He is always interested in connecting; To discover the many ways you may connect with him, visit him at DandyID.