June 04, 2009

Podcast: Incidental Interview on #BlameDrewsCancer, More

Sheryl Breuker, who we recently featured in the 10 FriendFeeders to follow for May post, spoke with me yesterday for her Incidental Interviews series, and unlike many other podcasts I've done, she started off not by talking about every service we use, or about the latest tech gadgets.

Instead, she wanted to find out about some of our recent updates that have impacted us personally, and then we dived into geekery.

In the podcast, which I have embedded below, we discuss:
  • Drew Olanoff and the #BlameDrewsCancer phenomenon
  • My obtaining Robert Scoble's car
  • How we use FriendFeed
  • The Extended LouisGray.com team of writers
  • How we find new tools as an early adopter
  • Social media in business
  • Conflicts of interest between work and blog?
  • And more...
You can find Sheryl's site here: Stardust Global Ventures

Download the Recording Now or Subscribe in iTunes