September 17, 2007

New TAB Post: iPod Touch Promotes iPhone Sales?

Apple just introduced the coolest iPod lineup ever, without a doubt. But as much as I think about putting down a little cash and buying a new one - whether it be the new iPod Nanos or an iPod Touch, the more I realize I should make a real upgrade and head to the iPhone, if it wasn't for AT&T mucking things up.

The iPod Touch looks like the iPhone, feels like the iPhone, and acts like the iPhone in many ways, but it definitely comes up short - a point not lost by its only having half the icons displayed as an iPhone does. The iPhone simply does more. So, was it released to tease us into getting the iPhone after all?

That's the background behind my most recent contribution to The Apple Blog, titled iPod Touch Designed to Push iPhones?. Per agreement with them, I will not be cross-posting the piece, but instead, have provided a link. Enjoy.