September 01, 2007

State of the Blog: August 2007 Recap

In the spirit of Webomatica's occasional summaries, I thought it'd make sense to recap how is doing on a monthly basis. With any regularity, we might find some interesting trends (or not...)

August 2007 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published: 944

Total stories published in August: 38 (Just over 1 per day)
Total stories with comments: 16 (42% of all stories)
Total comments on August posts: 40 (Just over 1 per post, 2.5 per commented post)

Technorati Authority Ranking: 117
Feedburner Peak in Month: 103 subscribers
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 13 subscribers
MyBlogLog Members: 29

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12: 2nd (Behind only April)

Blog Value Estimator: $60,970.32

Top Five Most Visited August Stories (According to Summary)

1. iPhones Aplenty In Silicon Valley Geek Mecca
2. Attention Newbies: Not All Apple News Changes the World
3. Bourne Ultimatum Delivers, Has Me Wishing for More
4. Google Ignores Users During Major Blogger Outage
5. New Reality: Your Blog Is Your Brand

Others receiving votes: Top Ten Favorite A's Players: August, Fake Steve Jumps the Shark, What is the Future of MyBlogLog?

Top Five Visited Archive Stories (According to Summary)

1. Soft-Core Porn, Sex Themes Power Google Video
2. Watch Every Episode of The Simpsons Online - Free
3. Google Video Still Peddling Soft-Core Porn Smut
4. BitTorrent Bails Me Out on TiVo's Simpsons Miss
5. Addicting Games Sure to Reduce Productivity

I can't overstate the amount of traffic delivered from the top three stories here. No matter the time of day, or day of the week, I get surfers looking for a quick porn fix, from around the world. My notes on Google Video have driven all sorts of X-rated keywords to my site. These porn seekers also drove traffic to my topical label pages for Technology, YouTube, and Video in a big way.

There was also quite the bump in Simpsons fans traffic around the movie. Unfortunately, I didn't have a copy of the movie they could download.

In August, we had some good traffic, and some good conversations. Due to time constraints, I didn't post as often as I could, and I hope to post more in the coming months. I look forward to delivering a strong September and getting more engaged with you readers.