January 27, 2007

Tidbits from the Link Blog: Jan. 27, 2007

With all the recent issues with RapidWeaver, it just hasn't been fun to post the link-filled "Morning Notes" as I had been in the first half of 2006. Now that we've changed platforms to Blogger, I hope to reinstate a frequent (but not every day) feature that highlights items around the Web I've found interesting.

Of those below, I found the article by Steve Rubel on CNET's moves to better blend journalists with bloggers the most interesting. Interacting with media on a daily basis, and with my dabbling in journalism through college, makes me very curious to see how media companies are approaching the advent of new technology and community participation. I expect that not all journalists, even at a technology-focused site like CNET, will be eager to share the stage with their readers.

Don Dodge: Yahoo CPM versus Google PPC
Official Google Blog: Controlling how search engines access and index your website
Steve Rubel: CNET Requires That Journalists Respond to Blog Comments
Slashdot: US Pennies To Be Worth Five Cents?
Google Operating System: Google Tries to Make Googlebombs Ineffective
GigaOM: Quarterly weakness for Microsoft

To see what I'm finding interesting, bookmark or subscribe to my link blog.