January 31, 2007

New Apple Airport On Its Way Early

While it wasn't as exciting as learning my new AppleTV had shipped, or if I had somehow obtained early access to the iPhone, I received a pleasant message in my e-mail today, as Apple let me know they had received clearance to offer their newest 802.11n-capable Airport base stations, and they were set to ship immediately, a full two weeks ahead of schedule. Now, instead of expecting my new wireless experience in March, it's looking a lot more like I'll be zipping around wirelessly a lot more quickly come Valentine's Day or so.

Below is the text of the e-mail.

To Our Valued Apple Customer:

Apple today began shipping our new AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11n). We
are delighted to tell you that we plan to ship your AirPort Extreme Base
Station (802.11n) two weeks earlier than we had anticipated. We now plan to
ship your product on or before Wednesday, February 14. No action on your part
is required.

Silly Apple. Don't they know that the way to dominate the market is to announce delay after delay and increase anticipation?