January 25, 2007

Valentines Day? But Our Christmas Cards Are Still Up...

It hit me while driving home last night. While trying to find a radio station to listen to, I heard the familiar voice of Tom Shane from the Shane Company, offering me a new friend in the diamonds, rubies and sapphire business. His commercial asked me if I knew just what gem I should get for my wife or girlfriend (or both). And I thought immediately... Valentine's Day? Already?

I could swear we just got done with Christmas and then New Year's. We just started back at work after a week off... or so it feels. But glancing at the calendar tells me an entire month has gone by since Christmas, and that it won't be too long until we're a mere two weeks away from candy hearts and valentines. And right now, that doesn't feel very romantic. That sounds like an obligation. One I'm incapable of negotiating with my wife (or girlfriend) to see if we can skip it this time around.

In fact, our Christmas Cards are still up around our fireplace. We have plenty of chocolate at home strewn around the kitchen from various vendors. So we're not ready. I lobby instead that we move the date to give us more time to prepare. It's not that I don't care, it's just that I don't care... yet.