January 07, 2007

Set to See Sacramento Kings on Saturday

Though we've been a contributor to Sactown Royalty all season long, it's rare for us to get the opportunity to see the Kings on TV, let alone get out to Arco Arena to see them live. This weekend, my wife and I will be heading out to see my parents, who live in the capital city, and catching the Kings game against the visiting Houston Rockets, with or without 7' 6" superhuman Yao Ming.

Living in the Bay Area, my yearning for the Kings derives mostly from my misspent youth, where many an evening was wasted, wishing for the moribund team to break through and win a freakin' game.

Now, with the team's recent struggles, the same, idealistic, hope just may be all we can hold on to. All you need to know is that the Kings are playing well under expectations now, and they've even devolved to the point their losing to bad teams at home - never a good sign. That's part of why my recent posts to the site have taken on an occasional bitter or sarcastic tone. Yet, once the game's on, we're rooting for them. That's my role. Should be a very fun Saturday evening.

This weekend's Sactown Royalty posts: