July 18, 2006

Apple Rumors Time Approaching (Again)

It's a mere three weeks until the next big Apple-related expo, the World Wide Developers' Conference (WWDC). Along with the MacWorld Expo, held every January, WWDC is one of the biggest opportunities for the Mac and iPod maker to unveil Steve Jobs, and for Jobs to unveil the latest and greatest in hardware and software. And as with any good Apple shindig, the rumors fly fast and furious until there's "just one more thing"...

This year is no different. While Microsoft has stolen some of the limelight on the back of the rumor that they will soon be releasing an iPod clone with WiFi and additional features, Think Secret says that Apple's reading some announcements of their own - one claiming that iTunes will be extended to include movie rentals, and the other, that the second-generation iPod Nano is just around the corner.

The new Nano? According to the site, it will be available with larger capacities, and a wide variety of colors. Meanwhile, the next-generation iPod could grow as large as 80 gigabytes, equalling the space on my PowerBook! Yet, as is common, with a few weeks left, more rumors are expected, and many will be wrong.

Listening to ''Dark Sympathy" by Jerry Bonham (Play Count: 4)