Guy Kawasaki debuts a 10-question interview with David Sifry, founder and CEO of Technorati, the world's largest blog search engine, which stands head and shoulders above the competition, including Google. However, as I commented on Guy's site, I think the major thing that would stand in their way is scalability. We've all seen search times on Technorati lag, especially on peak hours, and even weekends. The company needs to stay on top of its hardware infrastructure while still maintaining its leading Web interface. Let's hope they do so.
Mini Microsoft's rumored demise seems to be exaggerated, as the site continues to be updated, most recently with a discussion on how online anonymity can be maintained, but only through cooperation from others. We've all seen the story of how you trust one or two people with a secret, and then they trust one or two people, and so on. Could be trouble. In their case, anonymity is a requirement. The site has provided tremendous insight into Microsoft's ongoing activity, with concerns about the future, if the software behemoth doesn't reduce expenses and increase focus.
In the category of copycat technology cronyism, Fortune has an extensive piece on AOL trying to become the new Yahoo!. Amusingly, Valleywag seizes on that, and notes that everybody wants to be somebody else. Is Google the new Microsoft, for instance? Or is it Google who is the new Yahoo!?
And, I've chronicled the benefits of Apple's .Mac service on here a few times - including cross-computer synchronization and Webmail, but Om Malik of GigaOm properly breaks down the service and says it simply hasn't kept pace with... Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft for features, while maintaining a high price tag. The only catch is, if I ever did want to switch, I'd have to ditch my e-mail address, and that'd be a serious pain.