July 23, 2006

One Full Year Of... The ANtics

It's been a full year since the ANtics showed up and became a weekly feature on Athletics Nation. On July 24, 2005, Episode 1 of the ANtics: "Focus on Fundamentals" debuted, and the A's young stars tried to teach us a thing or two about the core elements of the game.

Since then, in the subsequent 30+ episodes of the ANtics, we've learned that Ken Macha knows Kung Fu, that Eric Byrnes so hates his old team that he's cursed them to sweeps against his current team not just once, but twice, that Stomper prefers warm-weather climates and wants to be assistant GM, that Ellis's shrink calls Crosby "Source of Pain", that Zito needs to keep his hair short in order to play well, that Barry Bonds has a certain attraction to our shortstop's rear, and that Swisher would seriously kill in order to defend his new buddy, Frank Thomas.

Of course, there's been a lot more than just those highlights. I thought you'd enjoy a trip down memory lane, celebrating one full year of the ANtics. You can even flip page by page, just like a real comic book!

ANtics 2005: A Flip-book for last year's comics.

ANtics 2006: A Flip-book for this year's comics.