July 22, 2006

Apple iPod & iTunes to Support eBooks?

Another day, another rumor for the Cupertino computer and gadget company. While predicting Apple's latest move is a household hobby across greater geekdom, occasionally the prognosticators get it right. Today, Engadget is saying that Apple is moving to expand the iTunes Music Store's reach beyond music and TV shows, to add electronic books. Presumably, these eBooks could also be displayed on their iPod lineup, especially when the next generation debuts, with more screen space, which would allow for book reading.

Engadget writes that "According to a source at a major publishing house, they were just ordered to archive all their manuscripts -- every single one -- and send them over to Apple's Cupertino HQ." That's interesting. Now, I don't know if I'd sit in front of my iPod and try to read the latest Stephen King novel, but given I'll surf the Web with the Blackberry, and used to read eBooks on my Handspring Visor, there just may be a market for this. The question is, do the youth of today want to read books any more in the first place?
Listening to ''Live 4 Music (Original Edit)'', by DJ Shog (Play Count: 5)