March 14, 2006

Great Day on the Stock Market

You might as well ignore me every time I say I'm out of one stock or another, because the bug keeps biting, and I can't stay out of a small handful. So long as I can keep my focus small and ride the ebbs and spikes of a number I know, I can maintain the growth and avoid losses. Or at least that's my excuse.

Monday's market activity made a fan out of me. Apple (AAPL) was upgraded, and rose nearly 4%. (CRM) similarly grew nearly 3%, and Rackable (RACK) continued its strong run, jumping more than 7% Monday alone. Of course, that kind of action helped me continue to outpace the 401k, which saw gains of .2 to 1.1 percent in each of the top four funds. That makes the up-to-date score in the Louis vs. 401k challenge 3 to 2 in my favor so far. We'll keep you posted on how that continues to progress.