March 11, 2006

Bay Area Baseball Rivals to Match Up In Arizona

We made it down to Arizona safe and sound, and in just hours, we will see the Oakland A's take on Barry Bonds and the hated San Francisco Giants in a game that should no doubt see quite a bit of media attention, due to Bonds' alleged dabbling in steroids, and should also see some strong fan reaction to his announcement, especially at a "home" ballpark for the A's, the team's cross-Bay rival.

Yesterday, with the day off from work, I took all fifteen ANtics comics, converted them to a single unified PDF file, and printed out 10 copies at Kinkos, with the intent of distributing copies to the players who have been covered for the last year. I don't have any idea how that will happen, but if the intimacy of Spring Training is close to what I've heard, then hopefully we will get that chance.

Yesterday, the A's played two split squad games, and as is common with split squad games, the A's well... split. They walloped the division rival Angels 16-4, but lost to the perennial basement dwelling Royals. That happens. So now the team has a record of 3-7 in the Cactus League campaign, which we keep being told has no bearing on reality. We shall see.