March 13, 2006

Back Home In California

We weren't gone long enough, but after one rainy day and two sunny ones in Arizona, we flew back to San Jose this evening and found our house much as we left it. Much to our chagrin, the elves didn't tidy up, or turn on the heater just before we arrived, and it's my guess they won't unpack for us either - unfortunately.

Today's game between the A's and White Sox was very interesting. The good guys started out ahead early 2-0 in the first, and tacked on 5 runs in the second, against a woeful Sox pitcher, on the backs of yet another home run by Eric Chavez, who is having a strong spring. Then... they coasted. The regulars eventually were replaced by the subs, and the subs managed to give the game back to the White Sox, who took an 8-7 lead by the 8th inning. Could it be the A's would lose both games I attended!? Turns out... no. The A's mounted a comeback in the bottom of the ninth, topped off with a 2 run single chopped through the infield by Charles Thomas, to win the game 9-8. The A's fans stood and cheered, while the White Sox fans (those who were left) slumped and slunk away.

Tomorrow's work schedule looks very full. Interviews start at 8 a.m. and there looks to be hour after hour of training in the mid-day. I fear I may need yet another vacation very shortly.