March 09, 2006

Headed to Arizona for Spring Training

For the first time ever, and what hopefully won't be the last time, my wife and I are headed off to the Cactus League in Arizona to see the Oakland A's at their pre-season best, catching three games, against the Anaheim Angels, Chicago White Sox and San Francisco Giants. You can never get enough baseball, and we are just happy to get away from the house and our respective offices for a few days - as the vacation days are few and far between.

Of course, with our luck, the weather is threatening to diminish our fun. After nearly five months without rain, it's forecast that Phoenix may see showers on both Saturday and Sunday - two of the three days we've planned to be at the ballpark. That won't be good at all. After having it rain on our wedding day, and our honeymoon (in spots), it seems we're doomed. Maybe we're not meant to enjoy ourselves...

I haven't exactly learned how to fully break away, so on the trip, we'll be dragging along the Blackberry, and the laptop, and I practically demanded that our hotel feature high-speed wireless Internet, so we won't be too removed from the real world. So long as we have air, water and high-speed Internet, things will work themselves out.

While in Phoenix, we'll be sure to bring the camera. I'm hoping to take lots of photos of A's players for future ANtics, and possibly may share the ANtics themselves with those who've been featured. Given the relaxed atmosphere of the spring season, it could happen. We'll keep you posted.