March 06, 2006

TiVo Mobile - Partnership and Nothing More?

News is leaking out that TiVo has planned a partnership with Verizon Wireless for their subscribers to schedule TiVo recording by cellphones, in a new service called TiVo Mobile. Not to be confused with a service that would offer TV viewing on Verizon phones, or viewing of TiVo hard drives remotely by the phone, it's only "yet another way" to schedule your TiVo when you're not home - on top of using the Web site or through Yahoo!'s online TV listings.

Hardly seems worth the bother. How often do you find yourself wishing you could reschedule your TiVo when you're both not at home and outside of reach of the Web by computer? And if you think about it, this only impacts those customers who already have a TiVo Series 2 (online scheduling isn't available on Series 1 DVRs) and who have Verizon Wireless. Sorry Cingular, T-Mobile, AT&T and other customers...

Of course, there's always the chance that either the news is wrong or I simply am too dense to get it. I really want TiVo to succeed, and wish there were more substantive news, but the company isn't exactly blowing me away lately.

(Update: Tivo issued a press release this morning)