January 21, 2008

Using Del.icio.us to Track Blog Reactions

When it comes to tracking who is saying what about your blog, it's hard to beat Technorati and Google Blog Search. While the occasional site may link your way and escape both these search engines, requiring a walk through your referral logs, the two services do a fairly good job of tracking down the vast majority of reactions throughout the blogosphere.

But neither site has the full superset of referrals, so you can't simply post a link to one or the other to keep others informed to your Web presence. Also, as most companies in the real world only select a subset of total mentions as featured media coverage, you might want to highlight some of the more prominent or favorable pieces yourself, filtering out the spam links, or those less useful.

In the last week or so, I've started to build a library of posts linking my way, with the help of Del.icio.us, Yahoo!'s social bookmarking site. When I run across a site that links to louisgray.com, or mentions me by name in context, I've added the site to my Del.icio.us library, with the tag of "coverage". While it's not yet all-inclusive, and only spans the last month or so, it's a start, one I hope to keep building, and eventually, may feature in a static page on this site.

You can see this build out at: del.icio.us/louismg/coverage.

I typically tag a referring site with the "coverage" tag, and the post's main topic. Of late, much of the coverage has also had the tag of "Mashable", "Twitter", "FriendFeed" or "ReadBurner", given those topics' recent highlights here. This will help remind me when I look back at this site later just what the linked post was talking about. The date when I bookmarked it should help too.

I haven't done the best job of delivering an "About" page or other static pages, but as we find time to build the site out, one highlighting coverage will surely be coming, and Del.icio.us will share some of the credit.