January 20, 2008

Breaking News: I "Jump the Shark" on Twitter

After being labeled an "Anti-Twittite" and swearing I would not ever join the microblogging service, Twitter, after fully ditching instant messenger services, like AOL IM, GTalk, and iChat, I opened up the topic to discussion last week, and got some good feedback from Twitter fans saying the service can be just what you put into it - essentially meaning if I choose my friends wisely and update with a purpose, it can be beneficial, enabling rapid conversation and idea sharing, where e-mail just won't cut it.

So... without too much drama, I've signed up - ostensibly to make sure I keep the "louisgray" ID, but just maybe, to actually use Twitter.

Given my 9-5 job, I don't expect to be on Twitter all the time, and most of the minutiae of my day won't be interesting to you anyway, so I don't believe this will be a frequently updated Twitter feed.

You can find me at: http://twitter.com/louisgray

If you think I can somehow add value in 140 characters or less, be sure to follow me, and I just may follow you back.