January 04, 2008

Friday Night Notes for January 4, 2008

* The Bay Area storms that have made headlines had very little impact here on the Peninsula. We had power all day, didn't see much wind, and the rain was not remarkable. As I write this, things outside are absolutely still.

* I added a quick static page on louisgray.com to highlight what I'm doing online, from the various services I use. Friendfeed.com does an excellent job of this, but I wanted to mirror the activity here as well. (See: louisgray.com: Friendfeed)

* Assetbar is quietly upgrading its services. I checked in on those guys this evening and was delighted to see they've gotten their new Participatory Media Platform (PMP) to work in Safari. There are a lot of "under the hood" items I've seen updated as well, as they prepare for public launch soon.

* I keep finding great new blogs and adding them to Google Reader. We're up to more than 250 individual feeds, even as I've trimmed down a number of search-related feeds that were mere filler. Some of the best recent adds include Charles Hudson, High Scalability and Andrew Chen.

* Site traffic continues to be well ahead of anything I've seen to date. To put things in perspective, just four days into January, I've already eclipsed my total visitors count from all of June 2007, and have posted three times the number from last January. Also, since posting last Friday that I'd reached the milestone of 200 RSS feed subscribers, we've already blown past 225. With any luck, we'll be showing 250 and 300 very soon.

* We also gained some prominent link-love from Mashable and Mathew Ingram overnight, with Mark "Rizzn" Hopkins calling us an Iowa caucus expert in his post Huckabama Wins, a Few Observations, and Ingram noting our comments on data ownership in his wrap-up piece, The Scoble mess and data portability.

Of course, it's on us to stay relevant and topical, so we'll try and keep focused. More thorough posts over the weekend, for sure.