December 02, 2007

State of the Blog: November 2007 Recap

November 2007 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published to date: 1,074

Total stories published in November: 34
(About 1.1 per day, down from 1.8 in October)

Total stories with comments: 16
(47% of all stories, down from 36 and 64% in October)

Total comments on November posts: 32
(About 1 per post, 2 per commented post)

Technorati Authority Ranking: 103 (up 2)
Feedburner Peak in Month: 181 subscribers (up 1)
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 14 subscribers (No Change)
MyBlogLog Members: 35 (No Change)

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12: 3rd (Behind October and April)

Blog Value Estimator: $58,147.62

Top Five Most Visited November Stories (According to Summary)

1. Being Mac. Being Mormon. It's Quite Similar.
2. Sending Me Spam Makes Us Friends, Right?
3. LinkedIn Adds Useless "News" Feature
4. Silicon Valley Media Notables Divide "Hot" from "Not"
5. eTrade's Losses Are Investors' Gain

Others receiving votes: Faithless Bombs Video: Amazing Music, Piercing Message, So... I Deleted Excel, The Run on eTrade Won't Have My Footsteps

Top Five Visited Archive Stories (According to Summary)

1. Soft-Core Porn, Sex Themes Power Google Video
2. Eight Reasons the Apple TV is Failing, and How It Can be Saved
3. Watch Every Episode of The Simpsons Online - Free
4. eBay Locks Me Out for My Own Good
5. Tidbits from the Link Blog: February 16, 2007

After a strong October, activity, comments and total posts on slipped quite a bit in November. A lot of that had to do with my traveling or, for once, being away from the computer in the evenings, but I've also been trying not to follow on to the day's news as many other tech bloggers have done. Instead, we're looking to talk directly about what we're seeing and bringing a new angle. December, one day in, has already started strong, and we hope to have some good numbers to report come January 1. Just think, maybe we'll have a year in review by that point?