December 01, 2007

Kathy Griffin Comes to Cupertino

You might have noticed a 2-day gap in my blogging here. Oops. But that happens every once in a while when actual real-world activities get in the way. Given I post 90% of my entries here in the evening, a simple event or game or movie can make it look like I'm AWOL for a full 24 hours.

Last night's event was seeing Emmy-award winning comedienne Kathy Griffin at the Flint Center in Cupertino. Being the good, occasionally-supportive husband that I am, when my wife bought the tickets, I signed up to go. She's a bigger Kathy Griffin fan than I am, and though I tried to be open-minded and ready to be converted, that didn't change.

Noting her surroundings, Kathy Griffin started off with a few jokes/complaints about her iPhone, made by nearby Apple Computer, polled the audience on how many were Cupertino millionaires (quite a few), and regaled us with stories about her relationship with the company's co-founder Steve Wozniak.

That I liked.

But for the most part, her bit consisted of name-dropping celebrities, recapping recent Oprah episodes, mocking Marie Osmond and slamming Mormons. None of that worked for me. For the most part, while she went on and on about her run-in with Liza Manelli or being introduced to Stephen Spielberg, I made do by looking around at the intricacies of the Flint Center, wishing I was there for an Apple special event instead of discussing the proper way to fake a fainting on Dancing With the Stars (another show I avoid like the plague). I counted the exit signs, I looked around at the balcony and wondered how many RSS feeds I was missing while she prattled on about Andy Dick's indecent exposure at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville way back in 1999.

While others were laughing about a story of some B-list actor on Everybody Loves Raymond who I'd never heard of, or mocking Larry King's relationship with his kids, I was trying to hide my jaw-cracking yawns. I was tired. And when her show was complete, it was none too soon.

Clearly, Kathy Griffin has an audience. The ones who watch episodes of Access Hollywood, The View, Regis & Kelly and the red carpet shows at Hollywood's award events. The ones who want to know what's really going on with Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan. But it looks like I'm not in her demographic. If I hear Jim Gaffigan or Lewis Black or Eddie Izzard are in town, trust me, I'll be there, but I won't be seeing Kathy Griffin again.