December 28, 2007

Feedburner Milestone Reached: 200 Subscribers

Sometimes, a few days off can do you good. In my case, this holiday has given me more time to blog, and its paid off with strong traffic and new visitors. Yesterday night, for the first time in the history of, our Feedburner statistics reported 200 unique RSS feed subscribers.

While that's a molehill next to the mountains of TechCrunch, Mashable, Read/Write Web and the rest, its a number I've been watching. Other B-Listers, like WinExtra, Webomatica and ParisLemon, are in the same league.

As mentioned in my Christmas Day post, "Google Dominates My 2007 Blog Statistics", it'd be nice to have 500 subscribers or so by this time next year. If 2007's growth is any indication, we just might get that chance.

According to the chart, provided by Feedburner, at the top of this post, we first crossed the 50 subscribers threshold in April, and reached 100 in mid-August. Now, we're at 200 in late December, showing an approximate doubling every four months. You'll also see I wasn't doing much in 2006, and the occasional dip reflects a missing synch-up between Google's FeedFetcher and FeedBurner, much chronicled elsewhere.

If you're not yet a subscriber to's RSS feed, you should be. Sign up now!