October 01, 2007

State of the Blog: September 2007 Recap

September 2007 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published: 983

Total stories published in September: 41 (About 1.4 per day)
Total stories with comments: 18 (44% of all stories)
Total comments on September posts: 64 (About 1.5 per post, 3.5 per commented post)

Technorati Authority Ranking: 97 (down 20)
Feedburner Peak in Month: 124 subscribers (up 21)
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 13 subscribers (No change)
MyBlogLog Members: 31 (up 2)

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12: 2nd (Behind only April)

Blog Value Estimator: $54,760.38

Top Five Most Visited September Stories (According to Summary)

1. Internal Linking on Some Tech Blogs Is Out of Control
2. Could Cal Football's #6 Ranking Be All Wet?
3. PlugandPlay Expo Highlight: Spokeo
4. Early Reaction to PlugandPlay Expo
5. Adding Movie Rentals to iTunes Would Save the Apple TV

Others receiving votes: A's 11-9 Win Kicks Off Big Sports Weekend, Slingbox Going Corporate Before I Get One!, Information Society Brings New Music to Old Band

Top Five Visited Archive Stories (According to Summary)

1. Soft-Core Porn, Sex Themes Power Google Video
2. Watch Every Episode of The Simpsons Online - Free
3. Google Video Still Peddling Soft-Core Porn Smut
4. BitTorrent Bails Me Out on TiVo's Simpsons Miss
5. 10 Suggestions to Improve Google Reader

The top four results here are unchanged from last month's report on August. Sex and the Simpsons, though not necessarily together, will always be hot topics.

September's biggest highlight, by far, was the Web-wide discussion of internal linking and its practice. We also enjoyed giving Molly two opportunities to give away Ballhype t-shirts to fans, attending the PlugandPlay Expo, and seeing the A's baseball season transition to Cal football. On to October!