June 25, 2007

iPhone Guided Tour Not on iTunes

Apple is certainly doing a lot of things right in their breakneck promotion of the iPhone's release later this week. As people are already getting in line in anticipation of Cupertino's latest offering, with days to go, the company has turned over their home page to a detailed tour of the iPhone and its features.

But oddly enough, Apple hasn't found a way to get the iPhone video into iTunes. For a company usually so good about connecting each of its wares, that seems strange.

Apple's "iPhone - A Guided Tour" page offers three ways to stream the video, and one "Large" way to download the video. And that's it. Searching for "iPhone" in iTunes doesn't uncover anything of the sort.

I'd think downloading the iPhone's guided tour from iTunes would be logical. Even weirder, Apple advertises the file as 175 megabytes, yet the download actually appears to be almost twice that size, weighing in at 318 megabytes, even though Apple so very nicely wrapped it in a .zip casing to reduce file size. (See the disparity on the left)

So what's the deal? Is Apple saving bandwidth costs by not putting the iPhone tour in iTunes? It doesn't seem to make much sense.