June 17, 2007

Power Back On After 2 1/2 Hour Outage

The only thing as startling as finding the power suddenly turned off unexpectedly is the whirring back to life of all the electronics and seeing the lights come back on throughout the house in the middle of the night when power is restored.

About 2 1/2 hours after we lost power tonight, we seem to be "all systems go", though a quick Google News search and Google Blog search don't turn up any reasons for the interruption. I guess if a power grid fails and nobody was awake to notice, did it really fail?

Issues like this, where the grid that keeps us going and connected seem to not be redundant or easy to disrupt, make me more nervous than any alleged weaknesses in our security systems, as far as hackers or terrorism are concerned. We've come to rely so heavily on the modernization of our communication and information systems that hitting our power and cable seems to be the best way to go to decentralize our knowledge base.

And yes, we were already awake past 2 a.m. Our dog continues to struggle after her recent issues and has managed to keep me up thus far. We may get some sleep tonight. Regardless, we do have power, and that's a start.

Update: Palo Alto Online reports a tree fell and hit a power pole before midnight, knocking out power from Sand Hill Road to California Avenue. Of note, their story says power was restored after 3 a.m. This blog post shows it was back before then.