November 06, 2006

Top Ten Reasons for the A's to Become "Silicon Valley A's"

If rumors are true, the nomad-like Oakland A's are on the move again. After the franchise started its tenure in Philadelphia, the team later moved to Kansas City, before settling down in Oakland, where they've played since 1968. Economic pressures being what they are, the team now looks like they're going to make a move down to Fremont, as close to San Jose as they possibly can without running afoul of the San Francisco Giants' "territorial rights".

See: The A's May Know the Way to San Jose

But if the team moves, it's not yet clear what the franchise will be named. The Fremont A's? The East Bay A's? The San Jose A's? The Silicon Valley A's?

We present the Top Ten reasons the A's, once moved, should be named the Silicon Valley A's.

Top Ten Reasons for the A's to become "Silicon Valley A's"

1. The team could hire cheerleaders and rename them "Valley Girls".
2. Intel could sponsor the teams batting as "Dual Core".
3. High speed wireless Internet at every seat in the park.
4. Every A would wear an RFID chip to help with safe/out calls.
5. Umpires could be replaced with virtual umpires.
6. The stadium could be cleaned with an army of grass-eating Roomba mowers.
7. The team would "defrag" in the off-season.
8. Meetings on the mound could be sponsored by WebEx.
9. After a championship season, the team could IPO on the NASDAQ.
10. Silicon Valley loves three-letter acronyms. They'd be known as the SVA's.