November 07, 2006

Election Night 2006: Christmas Comes Early

At the age of 11, I hid behind the couch as my parents watched the late night news, taking in the 1988 Super Tuesday results, and marking down the winners, state by state. I had the political bug, and have always craved the results flowing in on Election Night, be it the presidential elections every four years, or the biannual tussle over House and Senate seats. With the Web's emergence in the political sphere, I'm now glued, not only to the set, watching CNN's flim-flammery, but reloading each of the various political sites to see who's going to break the next news on individual seats, which when added up, could present a vastly different state of government come morning.

My biases are clear. I've been pulling for the Democrats to take a majority role in Congress, and hopefully, they can somehow find a way back into the White House in a couple years - should everyone come to terms with a single candidate. Tonight, the projections have seen the Democrats riding the groundswell of frustration against President Bush and a rubber stamp Congress, and are seen as taking the House of Representatives. But it looks less likely they'll gain the lead in the Senate - with a 50-50 tie being very possible.

Some of the sites we're following in this fun evening?

Daily Kos:
Talking Points Memo:

PS - Yes, of course I voted this morning.