November 05, 2006

Google Reader Is A Formidable RSS Option

I use RSS feeds all day long, both at home and at work, to keep updated on the world of technology, sports, politics, family, and business. For the last year-plus, my RSS reader of choice has been NetNewswire, powered by NewsGator Online, but the idea of taking a Web application and accessing it through a desktop application isn't as natural as if I could get my updates through my Web browser. With the advent of Google Reader, I can now catch up on all my RSS feeds immediately, and Google remembers what elements are new, regardless of my location - so I'm never forced to read the same article twice. (See the screenshot on the left)

While there are some performance issues that force a lag between each page of 20 new items, I'm giving Google Reader a serious shot at becoming my RSS reader of choice.

On Friday, I read Google and NewsGator's instructions on how to Export an OPML file from NewsGator and Import that file to Google Reader. That meant that instead of duplicating efforts to search the Web and re-bookmark my favorites, I was instantly synchronized. This weekend, I expanded my Google Reader activity to "share" items I like in a public Web site you can visit. Now, instead of going to NetNewswire, reading stories and walking away, I can instantly share items I find interesting with you, without forcing a new post on the blog.

That page can be found here:
Louis Gray's Shared Items

If you haven't yet discovered the benefits of RSS, you're surfing the Internet with one hand tied behind your back. If you're using a desktop reader that doesn't synchronize via the Web, you're not using the best tools out there, and Google's aiming to add innovation in ways that make sense for you. Check out Google Reader for yourself.

Listening to ''40 Years Back Come'', by Royksopp (Play Count: 5)