June 15, 2006

S&P Analyst to Stock Market Rescue?

I'm trying to be patient by holding on to stocks from Apple Computer and Salesforce.com, both of whom are great companies with strong products I use every day. But 2006 and the last few months especially have not been very good for either, and it's hitting us in the piggy bank, as I whined about after Monday's stock market close.

But it looks like help may be on the way. According to BusinessWeek, a financial analyst from Standards and Poors sees significant upside in both stocks, upgrading Apple from a Hold to a Strong Buy, and Salesforce.com from Hold to a Buy. Of course, one of the main reasons he gives for the renewed enthusiasm is that both stocks have been unfairly hammered. But I think I knew that already.

In early (very early) trading, Salesforce.com is up more than seven percent, while Apple is down fractionally. (Yahoo! AAPL, CRM)

Listening to ''Loveparade 2000 Live'', by Carl Cox (Play Count: 4)