June 23, 2006

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Screenshots Leaked?

It's a past-time for Apple Mac OS fans to gain early access to screenshots of new builds or photography of as-of-yet unreleased products. While Apple was notorious for leaking future data only a decade ago, ever since Steve Jobs' return to the helm, getting leakage is amazingly difficult, and the details on Leopard (Version 10.5) have been remarkably slim.

Today, two measly screenshots found on the Web have created a stir, showing: Dual Boot Windows, Desktop Switching, Native running of Internet Explorer (Windows App), Tabs in Finder - like Safari, and a New AddressBook with a date (Merged with iCal?)

The source is a random blog, but the screenshots look good.

Picture 1 Picture 2

Listening to ''What Else Is There?'', by Röyksopp (Play Count: 4)