June 05, 2006

Sleep Is a Waste Of Time

I don't know what the real reason is, but for the last few weeks, or months, I guess, there just hasn't been any real interest in hitting a consistent sleep pattern. If I can find any excuse to stay up later, I'll do it.

Having always been a night owl, throughout high school (in the summers) and college, I frequently held jobs that had me up when the rest of the world was in slumber. Whether I was acting as a caretaker for developmentally disabled adults at age 17, or editing the college newspaper Web site at age 20, it wasn't too uncommon to be heading to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. In fact, the first column I ever wrote for the Daily Californian at Berkeley was about just that. Titled "Night Sights", the piece simply chronicled the walk home from work to the dorms. While looking back on it, the writing wasn't that great, it was a start.

Now with something resembling a normal work schedule where I get in the office around 8 and leave after 6, I can't exactly sleepwalk to work. But even if my alarm is set for 6-something the next morning, I'm not exactly pushing myself to be in bed at any kind of good time the night before. We've traditionally had midnight as the goal, but of late have extended it to 1, and recently 2 or 3 hasn't been that out of the ordinary, whether it's useless Web surfing, book-reading, Tivo consuming or anything else, it's just not becoming a priority.

For a day like today, where I got up earlier than usual due to an early start at work, the "grown-up" thing to do would have been to cut out the caffeine and work toward being rested, but we never got there. It seems to me that sleeping is simply a waste of time, where we could be more productive. If I could find a way to eliminate it altogether, I'd be the first test subject. We've got to find better things to do.

Listening to ''Walking In My Shoes (Random Carpet Mix)'', by Depeche Mode (Play Count: 7)