June 15, 2006

Bill Gates Steps Down as Microsoft Tumult Continues

Big news breaking this afternoon as Bill Gates and Microsoft have announced the software monolith's founder and chairman will be ceasing his day to day role at the company, where he says he will be spending more time working on his charitable activities. He and his wife, Melinda, have allocated billions to causes around the world, and it looks like Bill's softening up in his older age, looking to become less the hated monopolist, and instead, more of an Andrew Carnegie, etc. On the flip side, given that Microsoft's stock has been hammered for the last few years, and Vista's schedule has slipped repeatedly, it could be there was quite a bit of back-door boardroom shenanigans that none of us are yet aware of.

Should be interesting to see the market's reaction, as well as that of Microsoft partners and competitors as this signals the end of an era.

Listening to ''Live Forever (PPD's Club Dub)'', by Bombay (Play Count: 5)