July 11, 2011

Teens in Tech Conference: August 5th at PARC

This summer, I've spent a good amount of time working with teen entrepreneurs working on their brand new projects and companies as part of Teens In Tech's new incubator initiative, aimed to help these young entrepreneurs focus and deliver on their ideas. The culminating point of the summer will be this August 5th, when all of the companies are unveiled at a special Demo Day as part of the 2011 conference, held at the historic Palo Alto Research Center, also featuring top tier speakers from the world of Web services, venture capital and tech.

When I joined the advisory board to Teens In Tech more than two years ago, I did so with the intent of helping young innovators get access to the resources they need to convert their concepts to reality. In addition to the Teens In Tech blog, which has seen increased activity of late, team-ups with TEDxYouth on the East Coast, and the annual conference, launching this summer's incubator has been very rewarding. I've sat in on strategy sessions as the teens work together to find the best way to outline their product, tweaked Google AdWords campaigns, redesigned email copy, and all the blocking and tackling necessary as companies mature. This year's conference is the biggest one yet, and unveiling the incubated companies is going to be a big win - not just for those going live, but those attending.

Daniel Brusilovsky, CEO and founder of Teens in Tech, has rounded up some A-list sponsors, including GM, Microsoft, Eventbrite, RadTech, Vapur, Meshin and others. Speakers include Andrew Hsu, founder of Airy Labs, Daniela Lapidous, founder of SmartPowerEd, Joey Primiani of Cortex, Michael Simmons, cofounder of Flexibits, and more solid presenters that share the same vision I do, of helping Teens take their tech plans to the next level.

Being an advisor to Teens in Tech has its privileges. I'll be at the conference, but I also snagged discount tickets at 25% off list. I hope you'll join us August 5th. Sign up at http://2011teensintech.eventbrite.com/.

Disclosure: I am an unpaid advisor to Teens in Tech, and have a small equity stake in the company.