July 31, 2011

Keep Up With Your Fantasy League on Google+

With the NFL lockout over, sports fans everywhere are ready for the most important passage of the fall - not kickoff, and potentially not even the baseball World Series, but the start of this year's Fantasy Football league - from drafts to weekly results, and most important, trash talk.

Google+ Circles are the perfect place for your trash talk. Why? Because you can create a Circle with "My Fantasy League Buddies", and talk trash all day long just to them, and nobody else has to see it. You can complain about how your first round drafted Running Back keeps getting replaced at the goal line by some useless backup, or how your first-string quarterback got a concussion in Week Two. By all means, live it up, and you don't have to feel guilty about polluting the rest of your streams by talking all the crap you want about your team that deep down you've always wanted to, but felt limited by the way every other social networkhandles itself.

Even better than this? Why not use Google+ Sparks to follow your players?

If you draft Aaron Rodgers (who went to the same high school and college I did) as well as Arian Foster, you can save Sparks for both players, and click them whenever you want to make sure you get tips on unfavorable matchups, injuries or game results.

Now, obviously, Google+ is not going to be the home for your Fantasy League outright. There's still ESPN and Yahoo! Sports and CBS Sportsline for that. But none of those places offer the kind of communications platform this place does, and the option to share as much or as little as you like. Because as all of us fantasy gamers know, even if you're stoked that Maurice Jones-Drew went for 130 yards and 2 TDs, the rest of us don't care.

Nobody Cares about Your Fantasy Team -- except you. Why not make a Circle and run it here?

/via My Google+ Profile.